B4J: Msgbox and Inputbox in ABMaterial 2.51

upload_2017-2-12_12-0-6Sometimes you just need to show a quick Msgbox or a single-field Inputbox to the user. In ABMaterial for B4J you have probably, just like me, already made a couple of modal sheets to do this.

But in 2.51 I’ve integrated the possibility for such cases just to do it in one line of code (like a normal msgbox/inputbox).

It replaces the default looking ‘alert’ box from JavaScript to a more modern looking box.  The SweetAlert2 library, which is build on the orginal SweetAlert one, has been extended for ABMaterial so you can ‘Theme’ about anything you want.

For example, to show the msgbox you see on top of this article, this is the code you need to write:

page.Msgbox("MSGBOX1", "This is a very simple msgbox", "Msgbox()", "OK", "")

Some more examples:

theme.MsgBox("image").ConfirmButtonColor = ABM.COLOR_GREEN
theme.MsgBox("image").CancelButtonColor = ABM.COLOR_RED
theme.MsgBox("image").SetImage("https://unsplash.it/400/200", 400, 200)
theme.MsgBox("image").BackColor = ABM.COLOR_BLUEGREY
theme.MsgBox("image").BackColorIntensity = ABM.INTENSITY_LIGHTEN5

page.Msgbox2("MSGBOX3", "This is an msgbox with an image using a {C:#00AA00}theme{/C}!", "Msgbox2() 2", "OK","CANCEL",True, ABM.MSGBOX_TYPE_WARNING, "image")


page.InputBox("INPUTBOX1", "This is an inputbox for text.","OK", "CANCEL", True, ABM.INPUTBOX_TYPE_QUESTION, ABM.INPUTBOX_QUESTIONTYPE_TEXT,"","Type some text...", "", "Please enter something!", "")


page.InputBox("INPUTBOX3", "This is an inputbox for a password.","OK", "CANCEL", True, ABM.INPUTBOX_TYPE_QUESTION, ABM.INPUTBOX_QUESTIONTYPE_PASSWORD,"","Type your password...", "", "Please enter a password", "")


page.InputBox("INPUTBOX6", "This is an inputbox with a radio selection.","OK", "CANCEL", True, ABM.INPUTBOX_TYPE_QUESTION, ABM.INPUTBOX_QUESTIONTYPE_RADIO,"#00ff00", "","{'#ff0000': 'Red','#00ff00': 'Green','#0000ff': 'Blue'}", "You must select a color", "")


page.InputBox("INPUTBOX7", "This is an inputbox with a checkbox.","OK", "CANCEL", True, ABM.INPUTBOX_TYPE_QUESTION, ABM.INPUTBOX_QUESTIONTYPE_CHECKBOX,"", "I agree with the terms and conditions","", "Please agree with the conditions", "")



Sub page_MsgboxResult(returnName As String, result As String)
   myToastId = myToastId + 1
   page.ShowToast("toast" & myToastId, "toastgreen", returnName & " " & result, 5000)
End Sub

Sub page_InputboxResult(returnName As String, result As String)
   myToastId = myToastId + 1
   page.ShowToast("toast" & myToastId, "toastred", returnName & " " & result, 5000)
End Sub

ABMaterial Mainenance Release 2.51 will be available for the donators in the following days.


Click here to Donation and get the latest ABMaterial first!

B4J: Custom component ABMGridTable (Team Project)

One of the most asked for components in ABMaterial is an editable Grid.  We already have ABMTable and ABMTableMutable, but they have their limitations when it comes to being editable. So, as this kind of object is huge, I suggest we make it a Team Effort to build one.

I did have a look around and found a nice one jsGrid which is feature rich, easy to use and fits rather well with the ABMaterial look and feel.

I already did the first part: modified the default CSS so it works with ABMaterial (checkboxes and combos did not work), created a basic class template and a sample on how to use it in a webapp.

Copy the CSS and JS files from the zip the css/custom/ and /js/custom/ folders of the ABMaterial www folder.
Start with localhost:51042/GridDemo

My current result looks like this (allows adding, deleting, changing, sorting and filtering):


Creating even such a complex component is very easy in B4J with ABMaterial.  Lets dive into some code:

The ABMTableGrid class

'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
	Public ABMComp As ABMCustomComponent
	Private cmbCountries As String
	Private DBdata As String
End Sub

'Initializes the object. Countries and data are Json Strings
Public Sub Initialize(InternalPage As ABMPage, ID As String, Countries As String, data As String)
	ABMComp.Initialize("ABMComp", Me, InternalPage, ID)
	cmbCountries = Countries
	DBdata = data
End Sub

Sub ABMComp_Build(internalID As String) As String
	Return $"
<div id="${internalID}"></div>
<script>var _${internalID};</script>"$
End Sub

Sub ABMComp_FirstRun(InternalPage As ABMPage, internalID As String)
	Dim script As String = $"_${internalID} = $("#${internalID}").jsGrid({
		height: "100%",
		width: "100%",
		filtering: true,
		inserting: true,
		editing: true,
		sorting: true,
		paging: true,
		autoload: true,
		pageSize: 10,
		pageButtonCount: 5,
		deleteConfirm: "Do you really want to delete the client?",
		controller: {
			loadData: function(filter) {
				return $.grep(${DBdata}, function(client) {
					var fName = filter.Name.toUpperCase();
					var fAddress = filter.Address.toUpperCase();
					return (!filter.Name || client.Name.toUpperCase().indexOf(fName) > -1)
						&& (!filter.Age || client.Age === filter.Age)
						&& (!filter.Address || client.Address.toUpperCase().indexOf(fAddress) > -1)
						&& (!filter.Country || client.Country === filter.Country)
						&& (filter.Married === undefined || client.Married === filter.Married);
			insertItem: function(insertingClient) {
				var json = JSON.stringify(insertingClient);
				b4j_raiseEvent('${ABMComp.ID}_inserted', {'value':json});
			updateItem: function(updatingClient) {
				var json = JSON.stringify(updatingClient);
				b4j_raiseEvent('${ABMComp.ID}_updated', {'value':json});
			deleteItem: function(deletingClient) {
				var json = JSON.stringify(deletingClient);
				b4j_raiseEvent('${ABMComp.ID}_deleted', {'value':json});
		fields: [
			{ name: "Name", type: "text", width: 150 },
			{ name: "Age", type: "number", width: 50 },
			{ name: "Address", type: "text", width: 200 },
			{ name: "Country", type: "select", items: ${cmbCountries}, valueField: "Id", textField: "Name" },
			{ name: "Married", type: "checkbox", title: "Is Married", sorting: false},
			{ type: "control" }

	InternalPage.ws.Eval(script, Array As Object(ABMComp.ID))
	' flush not needed, it's done in the refresh method in the lib
End Sub

public Sub SetDBData(data As String)
	DBdata = data
End Sub

Sub ABMComp_Refresh(InternalPage As ABMPage, internalID As String)
	Dim script As String = $"$("#${internalID}").jsGrid("refresh");"$
	InternalPage.ws.Eval(script, Null)
End Sub

Usage in a WebApp:

Sub Class_Globals
	Dim myTableGrid As ABMTableGrid
	' fake database for demo purposes
	Dim database As Map
End Sub

' make sure you copied the files from the .zip in the right folders
public Sub BuildPage()
End Sub

public Sub ConnectPage()
	' as for the demo, we fake a real database here


	' for our combo, we add a Json string counting the countries
	myTableGrid.Initialize(page, "myTableGrid", $"[
		{ Name: "", Id: 0 },
		{ Name: "United States", Id: 1 },
		{ Name: "Canada", Id: 2 },
		{ Name: "United Kingdom", Id: 3 },
		{ Name: "France", Id: 4 },
		{ Name: "Brazil", Id: 5 },
		{ Name: "China", Id: 6 },
		{ Name: "Russia", Id: 7 }
	]"$, LoadData)
End Sub

Sub LoadData() As String
	' we have to return a Json string
	Dim data As StringBuilder
	For i = 0 To database.size - 1
		If i > 0 Then
		End If
	Return data.ToString
End Sub

Sub myTableGrid_Inserted(value As Map)
End Sub

Sub myTableGrid_Updated(value As Map)
End Sub

Sub myTableGrid_Deleted(value As Map)
End Sub

Sub LoadFakeData()
	database.Put(0,$"{"ID": 0,"Name": "Otto Clay","Age": 61,"Country": 6,"Address": "Ap #897-1459 Quam Avenue","Married": false}"$)
	database.Put(1,$"{"ID": 1,"Name": "Connor Johnston","Age": 73,"Country": 7,"Address": "Ap #370-4647 Dis Av.","Married": false}"$)
End Sub

As you can see, adding this rather complex component took me about 10 minutes to make, literally the time to put on a pot of Java. (pun intended!)

So this is were you guys can come in!

Some suggestions:
1. Adapt my class so the fields are generic (maybe by passing a Map with field definitions in initialize and then ‘build’ the correct JavaScript string in FirstRun?).
2. I only have set some basic parameters (like sorting, filtering etc), but this component has a lot more to offer. They can become properties of the class. See the jsGrid link at the top of this article.

Download the full source code and share your changes in this B4J Forum topic, so everyone can benefit from your creation.


Click here to Donation if you like my work

B4J: ABMaterial 2.20 Public/2.50 Donators released


This is just an announcement for the new version(s) of ABMaterial for B4J! It has been a while since I’ve been able to release a new free (public) version, but it is worth the wait!

As the donators already know, 2.20 was a major release, as it tackled a whole new reconnecting system.  If you’re using the free version (pre 2.00), make sure you read the included documents to see how you need to upgrade to the new version!

It was also the first version that introduced the Grid Builder.  With this tool, it is now very easy to create your responsive framework.

2.50 containes a lot of new stuff, as you’ve read in the posts on this blog: ABMChat, ABMPlanner and ABMPercentSlider are only a few of the new things.  Worth mentioning are the major changes in the ABMPivot component, adding new features like exporting to Excel, collapsable rows and columns, new presentations and so on.

Check out the online demo abmaterial.com or download your free copy from the B4J website.

Donators will receive a download link for 2.50 shortly.

Happy Programming!


Click here to Donation if you like my work

B4J: New ABMPlanner and ABMPercentSlider (ABMaterial 2.50)

abmplannerA friend of mine, who is a doctor, wanted me to write a scheduling webapp. He had some perticular requests:

1. You should be able to schedule per 5 minutes
2. But still need to be able to see the whole week
3. Wanted only to see the 5 working days (no weekends)
4. Should see from 06:00 to 21:00
5. As his assistant has to ‘fill’ the schedule, he also wanted somehow to show her when he would not be available.

I told him this quickly added up to showing about 840 possible appointments I had to show him on his desktop, tablet and iPhone. “Yes”, was his dry answer…

I didn’t know any such object, so I’ve put on my thinking hat and came up with ABMPlanner for B4J!

Although it has been written especially for his needs, I’m sure it can come in handy for other kind of projects too. For example you can schedule per 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes. You can set the start/end time of a day. And it can show a full week (including the weekend). You can give each task different colors etc…

It can also show the week as a ‘HeatMap’, so he can see very fast where he can put someone in-between other patients.

The second component ABMPercentSlider (in the video when the modalsheet is opened) is an alternative radio group component. It ranges the possibilities in a ‘percentage’ range, with 5% intervals.

But have a look at the video (app is work in progress and sorry it is in dutch). It can be intimidating at first glance, but once you ‘get’ it, it’s actually a breeze to schedule stuff.

Some relevant code:


Dim plan As ABMPlanner
plan.Initialize(page, "plan", False, 6,20, 5,False,"black")

Adding a task (loading a random generated week):

Sub LoadRandomWeek(StartDay As Long,doRefresh As Boolean)
   Dim plan As ABMPlanner = page.Component("plan")

   Dim Days(7) As String
   Dim Day As Int = DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(StartDay)
   Dim nextDay As Long = StartDay
   Dim perNext As Period
   perNext.Days = 1
   For i = 0 To 6
     If ActiveDay = -1 Then
       If DateTime.Date(nextDay) = DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now) Then
         ActiveDay = i
       End If
     End If
     Days(i)   = Day
     If Days(i).Length = 1 Then
       Days(i) = "0" &amp; Days(i)
     End If
     nextDay = DateUtils.AddPeriod(nextDay, perNext)
     Day = DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(nextDay)
   Dim mins As List
   plan.SetDayLabels("MA " &amp; Days(0), "DI " &amp; Days(1), "WO " &amp; Days(2), "DO " &amp; Days(3), "VR " &amp; Days(4),  "ZA " &amp; Days(5),  "ZO " &amp; Days(6))
   Dim PerTotal As Int = 12

   For i = 0 To 4
     Dim u As Int = 6
     Dim m As Int = 0
     Dim l As Int = 0
     Dim lIndex As Int
     Do While u &lt; 21
       Do While m &lt; PerTotal    
         m = m + Rnd(1,3)          
         lIndex = Rnd(0,3)
         l = mins.Get(lIndex)
         If (u*PerTotal + m + l) &lt; (21*PerTotal) And m &lt; PerTotal And (i &lt;&gt; 2 Or u &lt;=11 ) Then
           Dim patient As String = FirstNames.get(Rnd(0,19)) &amp; " " &amp; LastNames.get(Rnd(0,19))
           counter = counter + 1
           plan.AddTask(NewTask(i, "T" &amp; counter,u,m,l,patient,lIndex)) ' taskid must be a string!                
         End If
         m = m + l
       m = m - PerTotal
       u = u + 1

   For i = 12 To 20
   If doRefresh Then
   End If
End Sub


Sub plan_ActiveDayChanged(day As Int)
   Log("New day: " &amp; day)
   ActiveDay = day
   ' important to sync the server with the browser!
   Dim plan As ABMPlanner = page.Component("plan")
End Sub

Sub plan_MinutesClicked(Value As String)
   Dim spl() As String = Regex.Split(";", Value)
   ' spl(0) is here always 0, as this would contain the menu item clicked.  This is to be uniform with the MenuClicked Value param
   Log("Day: " &amp; spl(1))
   Log("Hour: " &amp; spl(2))
   Log("MinPer5: " &amp; spl(3))
   ' use the ABM.PLANNER_STATUS_ constants to check the status
   Log("Status: " &amp; spl(4))
   Log("Task ID: " &amp; spl(5))

End Sub

Sub plan_MenuClicked(MenuType As String, Value As String)
   Dim spl() As String = Regex.Split(";", Value)
   Dim plan As ABMPlanner = page.Component("plan")
   Log("MenuType: " &amp; MenuType)
   Log("Value: " &amp; Value)
   Select Case MenuType
       ' update the database

       Log("Day: " &amp; spl(1))

       Select Case spl(0)
           plan.SetDayStatus(spl(1), True)
           plan.SetDayStatus(spl(1), False)
       End Select

       ' IMPORTANT to perform the action in the browser
       ' update the database

       Log("Day: " &amp; spl(1))
       Log("Hour: " &amp; spl(2))

       Select Case spl(0)
           plan.SetHourStatus(spl(1), spl(2), True)
           plan.SetHourStatus(spl(1), spl(2), False)
       End Select

       ' IMPORTANT to perform the action in the browser
       ' update the database

       Log("Day: " &amp; spl(1))
       Log("Hour: " &amp; spl(2))
       Log("MinPer5: " &amp; spl(3))
       ' use the ABM.PLANNER_STATUS_ constants to check the status
       Log("Status: " &amp; spl(4))
       Log("Task ID: " &amp; spl(5))

       Select Case spl(0)
           cutTaskID = spl(5)
           copyTask = plan.GetTask(spl(5))
           IsCut = True
           myToastID = myToastID + 1
           page.ShowToast("toast" &amp; myToastID, "toastred", "Verplaats " &amp; copyTask.Text &amp; " naar...", 5000)
           copyTask = plan.GetTask(spl(5))
           IsCut = False
           myToastID = myToastID + 1
           page.ShowToast("toast" &amp; myToastID, "toastred", "Kopieer " &amp; copyTask.Text &amp; " naar...", 5000)
           If IsCut Then
             counter = counter + 1
             copyTask = copyTask.Clone("T" &amp; counter)
           End If
           copyTask.Day = spl(1)
           copyTask.StartHour = spl(2)      
           copyTask.StartMinututesPer = spl(3)
           If IsCut Then
             myToastID = myToastID + 1
             page.ShowToast("toast" &amp; myToastID, "toastred", copyTask.Text &amp; " verplaatst!", 5000)
             myToastID = myToastID + 1
             page.ShowToast("toast" &amp; myToastID, "toastred", copyTask.Text &amp; " gekopieerd!", 5000)
           End If
       End Select

   End Select
End Sub

These are the final components for ABMaterial 2.50. I’m now going to prepare everything for the next release. (updating the demos etc), so donators will receive these new toys shortly…


Click here to Donation and support ABMaterial