B4J: ABMaterial Public 1.12/Donators 1.20 now released

So, what happened to 1.09, 1.10 and 1.11?
Version 1.09 does not exist. I’ve changed it to 1.10 so I can use the major number as the main release update and the minor number for maintenance releases. e.g. maintenance releases for 1.10 are 1.11,1.12, etc… The next big release is 1.20.

Highlights of the releases:

All components are fully dynamic

In a ‘static’ page, all the components are written in the .html file. In a ‘dynamic’ page they are not. Only when you connect as a user, the components are inserted in their browser.

This seems trivial, but this actually means we can ‘write’ components (html, css and javascript) at run-time, depending on e.g. the user that logged in. Some user is allowed to see one chart, another user another chart. Or one may be able to delete a record from your database, another is not. Or showing a certain modal sheet depending on the user without having to add all possibilities in the HTML. Or show the page in different languages depending on who logged in!

New component ABMTimeLine

ABMTimeline is a component to present a time line of events. Using the ABMTimeLineElement you can create events, with some assets like images.


New component ABMFlexWall

ABMFlexWall is a simple galarie component for images.  Together with the IsMaterialBoxed=true setting, it creates an easy to use image wall.


Speed, the need for speed…

Following all the guidelines of Google, ABMaterial is one of the fastest framesworks around.  Not only in time of development, but this is certainly the case for the user experience. And all done in the background for you!


Firebase Auth and Storage support (1.20)

ABMaterial is always on top of new technologies.  Latest in line is support of Googles Firebase API. You can use Firebase Auth to login to your ABMaterial (1.20) WebApp and with Storage, you can upload/download files with ease. Together with B4X Firebase support, you can build the most powerful apps ever.

New components ABMSVGSurface, ABMFileInput, ABMTableMutable and ABMPatternLock (1.20)

Always on the move, new components are introduced with every release.  Donators can find more info on these new components in their mail.  More on this blog when 1.20 is released to the public.

So check out the online demo abmaterial.com or download your free copy from the B4J website

Until next time!


Click here to Donation if you like my work